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Discover the WE-Hope open access resources!

Following our final and wrap-up event in Paris which took place on September 15th, project partners are particularly proud to share that the WE-Hope learning resource and the Bank of Memories are now available in open access!

The WE-Hope Bank of Memories

The WE-Hope Bank of Memories contains the testimony of those who have experienced being refugees, as well as of those who have worked to support refugees at the point of arrival. Partners Memoro Italy, Greek Bank of Memories and the University of Lincoln, and Associate Partner Lapsus were involved in collecting these stories. We were also fortunate to work with the Kent Refugee Action Network.

The WE-Hope Learning resources - Are Refugees Welcome?

Based on the collection of testimonies, we produced an open access learning resources available in English and Italian, and soon in other languages! Are Refugees Welcome? is WE-Hope's learning resource. It promotes social inclusion through creativity. It enables refugee voices to be heard, and it encourages participants to create an artwork to celebrate diversity and inclusion. Artworks can be shared digitally, so that we extend the life and voice of the project beyond its formal ending in September 2022.

Check out the WE-Hope Cantastoria

The first representation of the WE-Hope Cantastoria is still available on our YouTube Channel! The installation and performance created as part of the project updates the ancient visual storytelling notion of the Cantastoria – that used pictures and songs to tell stories in public space. Through digital interaction, vocal performance and engagement in public space the artwork aims to create empathetic responses in audiences, enabling us to understand our differences and our similarities through a shared intersection.

The recording of our final event, including the last representation of our Cantastoria by the parisian choir of the Conservatory Gabriel Fauré, will be made available on the Project's youtube channel very soon!

Copyrights: WE-Hope Project


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